
Isutoshi is a Japanese manga artist, creator of erotic comic series Slut Girl and the non-erotic manga called Tende Freeze!. He started his career in 1994 producing work that would later be published in dōjinshi by the Gerumaru circle. His stories typically involve both erotic and humorous situations, focusing on characters' personality and sexual interaction during the story.
Isutoshi has produced a number of short works for hentai anthologies such as SNK Monogatari, Bruem - King of Fighters and Gensen Sexy Fighters, some of which were collected by Gerumaru in the Renge dōjinshi. Isutoshi has also produced short works published in the monthly hentai magazine Comic Kairakuten Beast.

''Slut Girl''

Slut Girl is a six-issue Japanese erotic manga series written and illustrated by Isutoshi. It humorously focuses on the sex-driven relationship between the chief characters. Slut Girl was first published in 1999 by Fujimi Shuppan. It was translated and published as six issues comics in the U.S. by Eros Comix in 2000. In May 2003 Kodansha released Slut Girl +α, a reprint with an extra chapter.


Sayoko Bizen is a buxom, cynical, shrewdly intelligent, and sexually uninhibited loner trying to move up in the world. Sayoko quits her executive secretary job after her boss fails to seduce her, and she exposes his affair with a co-worker. By chance, she meets a meek and outwardly unimpressive young man named Satoru Ichi, a virgin whom she initially tries to scam by coming to his apartment as a massage girl, who Satoru mistakenly believes is a call girl. When Satoru is distraught to learn that she is not a prostitute and has wasted hundreds of dollars, Sayoko takes pity on him and decides to have sex with him. She quickly discovers that Satoru is blessed with an incredible libido and a surprising ability to perform sexually, which she takes advantage of by staying with him until morning. Because she loses her job as a result, she moves in with him, agreeing to have sex with him in exchange for room and board, and for additional money that she subsequently persuades him to give her for various get-rich schemes of hers.
Sayoko also introduces Satoru to a collection of equally curvaceous women, all acquaintances of hers. These include Franco-Australian aspiring actress Neena Canberra, former co-worker and martial arts expert Takako Tosa, and incompetent nurse Emi Tanba, all of whom Satoru has sex with. Borrowing seed money from Satoru, Sayoko recruits all three of these women to aid her in her biggest get-rich-quick scheme: developing and selling the rights to a product that combines many popular fads, which works out very profitably. She then leaves Satoru with his cut of the profits, but with the promise that she may come back to him someday.
In the bonus chapter "Slut Girl Alpha" that concludes the story, Sayoko returns to stay with Satoru.


;Sayoko Bizen
;Satoru Ichi
;Michi Higo
;Neena Canberra
;Takako Tosa
;Emi Tanba


Derek Guder gave the manga series a three-star review in , praised for "distinctive" and "expressive" drawings, and the fact that not only are the manga's women well made, but also the recurrent humor: "The story lines are played up for comedic payoff, and you can't help but laugh at the characters' facial expressions liven up otherwise boring sex scenes." Timothy Perper and Martha Cornog praise the expressive translation of the English edition, and describe Sayoko as a "tsuya/yoen" woman, a complex figure with "voluptuous charm" and "bewitching beauty". They describe the manga as being a satire on modern life, especially the role of women in the workplace, and a "long-enduring glass ceiling".

Other works