Isoperimetric ratio

In analytic geometry, the isoperimetric ratio of a simple closed curve in the Euclidean plane is the ratio, where is the length of the curve and is its area. It is a dimensionless quantity that is invariant under similarity transformations of the curve.
According to the isoperimetric inequality, the isoperimetric ratio has its minimum value, 4, for a circle; any other curve has a larger value. Thus, the isoperimetric ratio can be used to measure how far from circular a shape is.
The curve-shortening flow decreases the isoperimetric ratio of any smooth convex curve so that, in the limit as the curve shrinks to a point, the ratio becomes 4.
For higher-dimensional bodies of dimension d, the isoperimetric ratio can similarly be defined as where B is the surface area of the body and V is its volume. Other related quantities include the Cheeger constant of a Riemannian manifold and the Cheeger constant of a graph.