
Ismailpur is a village in Vaishali district of Bihar state in India.


Ismailpur village is located at
Number of households: 891
B.R.I.T.I Ismailpur
B.R.KIDS CARE Ismailpur


Budhi Mai Temple is one of the most famous temples in vaishali district and also in Bihar.

Culture and cuisine

People of Ismailpur celebrate the following festivals:
SH-74 BIHAR is a major state highway which links the village with Hajipur town, Lalganj town and Vaishali district
The village is 7 km from the Hajipur town, 19 km from the state capital of bihar patna and it is well connected with other major cities
Villagers can connect very easily to different cities or towns from hajipur using local transport, Buses.

Public transportation

There are very frequent vehicles flowing in and out of the village:
Near places of village:

Nearby cities

IFSC code: BKDN0911401.
MICR code: 844018004
IFSC Code: SBIN0008327.