Ishoyahb V

Ishoʿyahb V was Patriarch of the Church of the East from 1149 to 1175.

Ishoyahb's patriarchate

The following account of Ishoʿyahb's patriarchate is given by Bar Hebraeus:

Then Ishoʿyahb, an old and chaste man from Balad, who had formerly been bishop of Hirta, was made catholicus, for he was chosen by a certain famous doctor named Abu Mansur, son of a wise scribe. He was consecrated on the second Sunday of the Dedication of the Church, in the year 542 , and after he had fulfilled his office for twenty-eight years, he died on the night of the second Sunday after Ascension, on the twenty-fifth day of iyyar , in the year 570 of the Arabs . He was succeeded by Eliya, known as Abu Halim.