Iraq National Card

The Iraqi National Card is an electronic biometric card issued by the Ministry of Interior from January 1, 2016. It replaced the Nationality Certificate and Civil Identification Document and the Residency Card. This card has a high security platform and is connected directly to the Iraqi Civil System.


The Ministry of Interior awarded Giesecke & Devrient the contract for this project on October 31, 2013. The National Card was first issued starting January 1, 2016 and is rolling out to each of the 190 districts of Iraq over a period of several years with the goal of issuing an ID card to every Iraqi citizen.


The new National Card is an ID-1 plastic card with an embedded RFID chip. It is covered with multi-color guillochés. All the information on it is given in Arabic and Kurdish.

Front side

The front side shows the coat of arms of Iraq and the words "جمهورية العراق / Republic of Iraq", "وزارة الداخلية / Ministry of Interior" and "مديرية الجنسية العامة / General Directorate of Nationality".
It contains the following information:

First line

1-2IDIdentity Document
3-5IRQissuing country: Iraq
6-14alphanumeric digitsAccess number for RFID chip
15decimal digitcheck digit over 6-14
16-27decimal digitdocument number

Second line

1-6decimal digitsdate of birth
7decimal digitcheck digit over 1-6
8alphabetic digitGender
9-14decimal digitsdate of expire
15decimal digitcheck digit over 9-14
16-18IRQnationality of holder: Iraqi
30decimal digitcheck digit over 6-30, 1-7, 9-15, 19-29

Third line

1-30alphabetic digitsGIVEN

Empty spaces are represented by "<".

Security features

The identity card contains the following security features:
It has an RFID chip.


It costs 5,000 Iraqi dinars for a new card application, which is equal to US$4.
issue 1st time / renewal5,000 د.ع
replace broken or corrupt card10,000 د.ع
replace lost card 1st time25,000 د.ع
replace lost card 2nd time50,000 د.ع
replace lost card after 2nd time100,000 د.ع
update picture1,000 د.ع
make correction or addition1,000 د.ع