Invictus (novel)

Invictus, published in 2016, is the fifteenth volume of the Eagles of the Empire series by Simon Scarrow.

Cover description

AD 54. The soldiers of the Roman army patrol a vast Empire, enforcing imperial rule with brutal efficiency.
In Hispania, tensions have reached boiling point. Bands of rebels range over the land. A unit of the army’s finest is dispatched to restore the peace. Their commander is Vitellius, a veteran of unmatched ambition.
Prefect Cato and Centurion Macro are amongst the Roman troops. Their mission is fraught with danger: on the one hand, feuding tribes, challenging terrain and an embittered populace. On the other: intrigue against the aging Emperor Claudius.
Only through strategic brilliance, unparalleled courage and the smile of good fortune can Macro and Cato hope to triumph - or even survive...