Into Film

Into Film is a British educational charity that runs film-based programmes for children aged five to nineteen. Founded in 2013, following the merging of two separate charities, FILMCLUB and First Light, the charity focuses upon the use of film as learning device.
The charity runs an annual youth film festival across the UK, and is supported by the British Film Institute through National Lottery funding, the UK film industry and various other sources.


Into Film's current ambassadors include British actor Eddie Redmayne, director and actor Kenneth Branagh, who occupies the role of Northern Irish ambassador, Michael Sheen, its Welsh ambassador and Naomie Harris.

Into Film Festival

The Into Film Festival is the world’s largest youth film festival. It is an annual, three-week programme of over 2700 free cinema screenings, activities and workshops for 5-19 year-olds held in venues across England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man.

Into Film Trustees