Interfor Corporation

Interfor Corporation are one of the largest lumber producers in the world. The company's sawmilling operations have a combined manufacturing capacity of over 3 billion board feet of lumber with sales to North America, Asia-Pacific and Europe. Interfor is based in Vancouver, BC and employs approximately 3400 people. In May 2014, Interfor opened its corporate office for the USA south-east region at Peachtree City, Georgia.

Quick Facts

Interfor produces lumber for residential, commercial and industrial applications. It uses several species of wood in its products, including Douglas Fir, Western Hemlock, Western Red Cedar, Ponderosa pine, Lodgepole pine and Southern Yellow Pine. It markets European Spruce and Red Pine lumber through a sales agreement with Ilim Timber.


Interfor has sawmills in British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, Georgia, South Carolina, and Arkansas. In BC this includes two sawmills on the Coast; two sawmills in the Kootenay region ; and one sawmill in the Southern Interior region near Kamloops.
In the US Pacific Northwest, the company operates two sawmills in Washington state and two in Oregon. It operates the Cedarprime remanufacturing plant in Sumas, Washington.
In the US Southeast, the company operates seven sawmills in Georgia, one in South Carolina, and one in Arkansas.

Environmental Record

Interfor's woodlands and manufacturing operations have been independently certified to internationally recognized standards.

Old growth logging

In British Columbia's Great Bear Rainforest, Interfor is known to log the oldest and rarest cedar trees.


All of Interfor's BC sawmills are Chain-of-Custody certified.
Chain-of-Custody certification tracks logs from harvest through the manufacturing process. In BC, Interfor mills are independently certified to meet Program for Endorsement of Forest Certification and Sustainable Forestry Initiative® CoC certification requirements. Select Interfor mills meet Forest Stewardship Council® CoC certification requirements. Interfor's Preston and Perry Mills in the United States are certified to the SFI fiber sourcing requirements.

Awards and Accomplishments

2009 - Interfor was awarded an SFI Inc. Conservation Leadership Award for collaborative work with First Nations to ensure there is a suitable supply of monumental cedar trees to meet long-term cultural needs on British Columbia's Pacific Coast.
2007 - Interfor was a co-recipient of the World Wildlife Fund – Gift to the Earth Award to acknowledge collaborative work that led to the landmark agreements to conserve temperate rainforests in British Columbia's north and central coast regions.


Interfor has more than doubled in size since 2002 and is one of the largest lumber companies in the world.