Insula Magica

Insula Magica is a musical collective from Novosibirsk, Russia. The ensemble recreates early music.


In 1981, a group of students of the Novosibirsk Conservatory founded the musical collective. They were united by the idea of reconstruction of early music.
Since 1991, Insula Magica has officially become a collective of the Novosibirsk Philharmonic.
Insula Magica has participated in various festivals in Russia, France, Japan, England, Denmark and other countries.
In September 2009, the ensemble represented Russian culture in Stockholm at the 'Vox Pacis' International Festival. In October 2009, the Insula Magica and the Swedish ensemble Laude Novella conducted tour of the 'Echoes from Poltava'. it started in Novosibirsk and ended in the Poltava Field.


Old Russian chants, religious and secular musical works of the West European Middle Ages, Renaissance and Baroque music, music of the era of Peter the Great, Russian songs of the 18th century, the music of Bach, Handel, Pretorius, etc.

Musical instruments

The collective uses original old instruments and their copies: harpsichord, lute, viola da gamba, medieval harp, old drums, recorder, cornemuse, rancquet, and other musical instruments.


The ensemble members collected ancient manuscripts, musical documents, ancient musical instruments and costumes of different historical periods.