On 3 December 1989, the participants of a women's congress in East Berlin he Volksbühne adopted the "Manifesto for an Autonomous Women's Movement". It was decided to form a political association in order to be able to participate in the Round Table, which was to meet for the first time on 7 December 1989. Ina Merkel and Walfriede Schmitt were appointed as representatives of the UFV. The UFV understood itself as an organizational reservoir of the autonomous women's movement of the GDR and thus goes back to older groups in the GDR, such as Women for peace and the beginnings of a women / lesbian movement. He also resigned himself to the nationwide regime-loyal women's organization, the Democratic Women's Alliance of Germany. On 17 February 1990 took place again at a congress in East Berlin the official establishment of the association. This second foundation was necessary to be able to compete in the upcoming elections. The spokespersons of the women's association were Ina Merkel and Tatjana Böhm. The association wanted to unite independent women's groups, women's initiatives, women's commissions and also the women's factions of the parties and mass organizations of the GDR. The UFV understood more as an umbrella organization, the autonomy of the individual women's organizations should be respected. The UFV called for the equal participation of women in all political and economic decisions. The interests of women in the situation of upheaval in the GDR should be taken into account and a worsening of the social situation of women prevented.
The Independent Women's Association helped bring women's issues to the Unification Agenda, such as the more stringent reorganization of § 218, but quickly lost importance after reunification. At the end of September 1991, the 3rd Extraordinary Congress of the UFV in Weimar decided that the association should continue to work as a registered association in the future. This contributed to the political marginalization of the UFV. This club finally dissolved in the summer of 1998. For the most part, the founders went to the East German equality administration and the project scene. Individual local groups using the z. B. in the district of Harz.
Anne Hampele Ulrich: Der unabhängige Frauenverband. Ein frauenpolitisches Experiment im deutschen Vereinigungsprozeß. Berliner Debatte Wissenschaftsverlag, 2000,