In Your House is a professional wrestling series created by the World Wrestling Federation that aired on pay-per-view from May 1995 to February 1999. After 21 years, the name was revived for an NXT-branded event in 2020 to mark the 25th anniversary of the first In Your House PPV. The original concept was that, in months when the WWF was not holding one of its major PPV events, they would offer a two-hour PPV, priced at US$14.95. The price was raised to $19.95 starting in December 1995 with In Your House 5. The WWF did this in response to a move by competitor World Championship Wrestling to increase their annual pay-per-view events. Notwithstanding the addition of more WWF events, WCW's events regularly ran between 2.5–3 hours. Starting with in September 1997, the WWF expanded all of its In Your House events to three hours, thus matching the runtime of its major PPV events. The WWF retired the In Your House branding for its monthly pay-per-views following February 1999's St. Valentine's Day Massacre: In Your House event, as the company moved to install permanent names for each of its monthly events. Early advertising for that year's Backlashfeatured the "In Your House" branding until it was quietly dropped in weeks leading to the pay-per-view. In 2020, the now WWE revived the In Your House name for an NXT TakeOver event titled.
The first six In Your House events were not promoted with subtitles, which were retroactively added, sometimes making use of a tagline. The first event to officially use a subtitle was the seventh event, "In Your House 7: Good Friends, Better Enemies". From September 1997 onwards, the subtitles replaced the In Your House label as the main titles, until regular named shows such as Fully Loaded and Unforgiven took over in 1999. To promote the first event, WWF held a sweepstakes to give away a new house in Orlando, Florida. On May 13, 2020, WWE announced that In Your House would be revived for their NXTbrand division as an event titled on June 7. The announcement and the event marked the 25th anniversary of the first In Your House PPV.