
Imoinu is a 2015 Manipur film directed by Bijgupta Laishram and produced by Tarunkumar Heisnam, under the banner of Heisnam Brothers Films and presented by Shrabankumar. The film features Gokul Athokpam, Sonia Samjetsabam and Sonia Hijam in the lead roles. Denny Likmabam, Maya Choudhury, Pritam, Prameshwori, Sanajaoba, Loken, Dhanamanjuri and Puneshori are cast as supporting roles. Imoinu was released at Bheigyachandra Open Air Theatre, Imphal, on 30 October 2015. The film was also screened at different theatres of Manipur, including Pratap Talkies, Imphal in January 2016, and it was well received by the audiences.


Temba has three sons, Achouba, Yaima and Tondonba. Achouba is a noted nat-sankirtan singer. His wife Leimarembi is a dutiful wife, whose manners and discipline impress his father-in-law Temba. Yaima is an engineer and his wife Phajabi is a complete contrast of Leimarembi. Temba’s youngest son Tondonba is a bachelor who is searching for jobs, and is in relationship with Thaballei. Thaballei doesn’t consider their relationship seriously and develops relations with Nongdamba. Bembem, who has just passed matriculation, is not happy with her sister Thaballei’s treatment to Tondonba. Tondonba, on the other hand, begins to fall in love with Bembem for her simple nature. Bembem also starts loving Tondonba. At this time, Thaballei learned that Nongdamba is already married. So, she tries to get close to Tondonba, but when she only realised that Tondonba and Bembem are already in love with each other, she tries her best to reach their destiny.



Ranbir Thouna and Sorri Senjam composed the soundtrack for the film and Bijgupta Laishram wrote the lyrics. The songs are titled Kuphet Kaphet Nganba Tandangi and Leisha Mapung Phadringei.