Iman Ebrahimi

Iman Ebrahimi also known as Iman Ebra is a producer and pianist. He worked for many years with football. He has also been working for many years in English and Danish football. Iman has lived in both Denmark and Norway for several years, but currently resides in Norway. He is the founder, company manager and owner of

Early life

Iman was born in Tehran. Coming from a family of musicians, Iman also started singing shortly after his knowledge with the piano evolved. His father used to play the saxophone in a local band during his high school and college years. Both parents used to sing at home, at family parties or in other public events, something that also Iman started to inherit and get comfortable with.
At the age of 13, attending his father's cousin's wedding, Iman was asked to step on stage to play the piano and sing a song. In an interview with TV Persia, Iman said that this was the moment in his life when he realized that he actually could make it in the music industry.

Life abroad

Iman was a refugee in Denmark for a few years. Once he turned 18, he was asked by the Danish government to apply for asylum separate from his family, an event he later explained as traumatic and incomprehensible since he immigrated to Denmark when he was under 18 and was already in a family application with his mother and brother. This ended in a denial of his separate asylum application, which resulted in the Danish government intending to send him back to Iran, something Iman did not want. Therefore he moved to Norway all alone, at the age of 18.

Musical career

During Iman's adolescent years, Iman received a professional recording microphone as a gift from his mother. This took his editing skills to the next level, and resulted in that Iman started recording with his younger brother. With limited resources, merely only a microphone and a few barely functional components, Iman started to do some amateur recording in his brother's room.
Over the years, they spent time, money and other resources to turn their room into a decent home studio, something that turned out to benefit Iman greatly over the upcoming years.
By the age of 24, they had managed to create a few professional songs. A year later, Iman tells TV Persia that family members sent a few songs to two well-known music studios nearby their home in order to get them to sign Iman. One of the studios, while amused by the fact that a foreign singer wanted to record in a Norwegian studio, did not want to take the risk to record music in a language that they clearly did not even understand. However, positive news came back from the other studio. The producer there, though not understanding a word of what Iman was singing about, knew there was something special and unique about Iman's voice, and decided to sign him despite the risks of it being hard to find a marked for Persian music outside of Iran.
A year later, at the age of 26, Iman became a known Persian pop-figure with the song "Baron". With Iran's strict regime, his music became illegal in Iran, because of its "Western form" and content about love and freedom. However, this did not spread the quick spread of his music through the Iranian underground, which made him gain hundreds of thousands of fans in a short time.
Over the years it has become very difficult, not only for Iman, but for all Persian artists to spread their new songs, especially over the Internet since the Iranian regime has blocked sites such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter etc. There are however ways for the people inside Iran to visit sites such as Myspace and Backupflow, and in later years sites such as MTVPersian and Bia2 where Iman's songs have gained huge popularity. With over 5.1 million total plays on alone and over 200 000 hits on MySpace in his debut album . Iman has made a name for himself during the short time he has entered the music industry.
Iman recently released his first album "Hasrat", that include his two new hit songs "Be Yade To" and "Az Hame Del Boridam".. Presently, he predominantly works as a music producer.



In Iran:
1. Hasrat "Regret"


  1. Baron
  2. Goftam Shayad Nabinamet
  3. Hasrat
  4. Be Yade To
  5. Az Hame Del Boridam
  6. Vase Khatere To
  7. Ehsas
  8. Daram Az Dast Miram