Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad has been an outspoken critic of the role of neoconservatives in shaping United States' foreign policy, especially in the Middle East. In 2001 Ahmad joined a delegation of American Muslims participating in the "First Conference on Jerusalem" in Beirut, which was "dedicated to the liberation of Jerusalem." Ahmad has been a libertarian activist since 1975, serving as chair of the Libertarian Party of Maryland, managing four political campaigns, and participating in various Libertarian Party of Maryland political activities He was a member of Academics for Ron Paul during congressman Paul's run for the 2008 presidential nomination. He also has been active in the national Libertarian Party activities, serving as its national secretary, chair of its Judicial Committee, chair of its platform committee, and chair of the Muslim Outreach Committee of the Michael Badnarik for President Campaign in 2004. In 1988 Ahmad ran as a Libertarian for the United States Senate even though only Republicans and Democrats were allowed to have their name printed unless they collected tens of thousands of signatures. Ahmad's court challenge to the law failed, but he received 500 write-in votes. Maryland law subsequently allowed the Libertarian Party to collect just 10,000 signatures to obtain ballot status.
2012 United States Senate campaign
In May 2012 the Libertarian Party of Maryland nominated Ahmad as its 2012 Senate candidate. After a successful legal battle for ballot status, he ran against Democratic incumbent Ben Cardin, Republican Dan Bongino. and independent Rob Sobhani. Ahmad's platform issues included bringing U.S. troops home, restoring civil liberties compromised by the "war on terror," working for federal government fiscal responsibility, and ending corporate welfare. Ahmad was endorsed by former Governor Gary Johnson, Libertarian Party candidate for President of the United States. Johnson wrote "Dr. Ahmad is a strong consistent voice calling for individual Liberty for ALL Americans. His record of success as a civic activist for decades proves that Dr. Dean Ahmad is the kind of U.S. Senator this nation truly needs." Ahmad also endorsed Johnson. Ahmad participated in the October 24, 2012 WOLB Radio debate. Montgomery County Media aired his statement on his candidacy. Ahmad raised $8,565 to fund his campaign. He received 32,252 votes, 1.3 percent of the total.
Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad, a former President of both the East Bethesda Citizens Association and the Montgomery County Civic Federation, has received the "Star Cup for Outstanding Public Service" award from the Montgomery County Civic Federation, the "Champion of Democracy Award" from Marylanders for Democracy and the "Sentinel Award" from the Montgomery County Civic Federation. In 2012 Ahmad was one of several Arab-Americans recognized in a city of Gaithersburg award ceremony. In 1990 he received the Libertarian Party of Maryland's "Samuel P. Chase award, named after the Maryland signer of the Declaration of Independence.