Ilyushin Il-78

The Ilyushin Il-78 is a Soviet four-engined aerial refueling tanker based on the Il-76 strategic airlifter.

Design and development

The Il-78 tanker was developed and designed in the Ilyushin Aviation Complex in Russia. The main reason behind its development was an expansion of the transferable fuel load of an earlier version of tanker, the Il-76.
The Il-78 has a total transferable fuel load of, which includes from a pair of tanks in the freight hold. In comparison, the Il-76 has a capacity of only.
The Il-78 transfers fuel solely through deployment of the probe-and-drogue refueling method.


;Il-78: The Il-78 was the original production version with two removable fuselage tanks and a maximum transferable load of 85.72 tonnes.
;Il-78T: Alternative designation for Il-78 due to retention of all cargo handling equipment and convertible freight hold.
;Il-78M: The Il-78M entered service in 1987 as a dedicated tanker equipped with three permanent fuselage tanks, a higher gross weight of 210 tonnes, and no cargo door or cargo handling equipment. The cargo ramp is retained but non-functional. Total fuel capacity is 138 tonnes, of which 105.7 tonnes is transferable.
;Il-78M2: Modernization of Il-78/78M aircraft, using same parts as used in newly produced Il-78M-90A and Il-76MD-90A variants, to enhance service life from 30 to 40 years. First modernized aircraft was rolled out on 25 August 2019.
;Il-78M-90A : An upgraded variant based on the Il-76MD-90A. First prototype was rolled out on 29 November 2017, and performed its maiden flight on 25 January 2018.
;Il-78ME: Export version of Il-78M.
;Il-78MKI: Customized variant of the Il-78ME for the Indian Air Force. These Uzbekistan-built planes are fitted with Israeli fuel transfer systems and can refuel six-eight Sukhoi Su-30MKIs in one mission.
;Il-78MP: Multi-role aerial refuelling tanker/transport aircraft, with removable fuel tanks in cargo hold and UPAZ refuelling pods, for the Pakistan Air Force, and Chinese Air Force.


Specifications (Il-78M)

Refueling Capability