Iko Mirković

Iko Mirković was a Montenegrin politician and historian. He served as mayor of Titograd from 01. Feb. 1954 until 01. April. 1958. Before this appointment Iko Mirkovic served as the political secretary of KPJ in Titograd from 01. Aug. 1949 to 31. Oct. 1951.
His political carrier Iko Mirkovic continues as a member of Parliament Executive Council of SR Montenegro.
Leaving the position in Titograd Iko Mirković moves to Belgrade where he serves as the Chairman of The Social and Healthcare council in the Federal Parliament. And serves as a member of Federal Parliament of SFRY > After his appointment in the parliament Iko Mirkovic becomes the secretary general of the Federal Partisans' Veterans Organization of Yugoslavia from 01.June 1969 to 20.Oct. 1978. during presidency of Kosta Nadj.
Following the position of the secretary general Iko Mirković was a member of the Federal advising council of SFRY and Federal Parliament of SFRY from which he retired on 30. Nov. 1984.
Iko Mirkovic died in Belgrade 02.Aug. 2002.
Iko Mirkovic was decorated multiple times by Yugoslav and foreign governments. Decoration include Order of the Yugoslav Flag with Sash ; Order of the Republic with Golden Wreath ; Order of Brotherhood and Unity with Golden Wreath ; Order of Labor with Red Banner ; Commemorative Medal of the Partisans of 1941.