Ifrane Province

Ifrane is a province in the Moroccan region of Fès-Meknès. Its population in 2013 was 156,038
The major cities and towns are:
The province is divided administratively into the following:
NameGeographic codeTypeHouseholdsPopulation Foreign populationMoroccan populationNotes
Ain Leuh271.03.01.Rural commune23211017427101475278 residents live in the center, called Ain Leuh; 4896 residents live in rural areas.
Ben Smim271.03.03.Rural commune12676283186265
Oued Ifrane271.03.05.Rural commune2150110280110282488 residents live in the center, called Had Oued Ifrane; 8540 residents live in rural areas.
Sidi El Makhfi271.03.07.Rural commune3124162293162262895 residents live in the center, called Sidi Addi; 13334 residents live in rural areas.
Tigrigra271.03.09.Rural commune209010849310846
Timahdite271.03.11.Rural commune1908100800100802507 residents live in the center, called Timahdite; 7573 residents live in rural areas.
Dayat Aoua271.81.01.Rural commune1542869928697
Tizguite271.81.03.Rural commune1643942439421