"Ice Queen" is the 20th episode in the eighth season of the CBSlegal dramaJAG. It is the 178th episode in the series overall, and it serves as the backdoor pilot for the crime dramaNCIS, which is the first spin-off associated with the NCIS franchise.
The Naval Criminal Investigative Service team is called to investigate the mysterious death of a Judge Advocate, who is discovered by a boy scout searching for a stray arrow. Before the episode concludes, Harmon Rabb is read his rights before being declared a suspect.
The body of a Navy Lieutenant JAG officer is found in the woods by a boy scout, and random tests later confirm that the JAG officer was pregnant. Admiral Chegwidden informs members of JAG of the news when it is revealed that the body is that of Lt. Loren Singer. Called in to investigate, NCIS then launches an investigation into Singer's murder. Commander Rabb calls his half brother Sergei to inform him of Loren's murder. The episode is mainly dedicated to the investigation into Singer's murder, and finding a suspect. NCIS interviews several members of JAG, including Mac, Roberts, and Manetti. After interrogating Rabb, Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs reads him his rights, and places him under arrest for the murder of Lt. Loren Singer with Special Agent Tony DiNozzo and Viv Blackadder aiding him. The first part of this two-part episode ends here, with the storyline later picking up in the second episode, "Meltdown". On the side, NCIS is attempting to apprehend the terrorist responsible for the attack against and they interrogate another terrorist, Amad Bin Atwa, who helped finance the attack. Director Thomas Morrow wants Gibbs to take over the interrogation of Atwa so as to prevent another terrorist attack against a Navy ship.
Robyn Lively as Special Agent Vivian Blackadder is a former FBI agent who lost her brother in the USS Cole bombing, prompting her to join NCIS, where she became a member of Gibbs' team as she sought to avenge her brother's death. She, along with Don Dobbs, are the only two who appeared in the following episode of JAG, but did not appear in NCIS itself.
Thomas Anthony Jones as Special Agent Don Dobbs is an NCIS special agent who helps the team with the investigation into Singer's murder, but like Blackadder, Dobbs did not appear in the main NCIS TV series.
The episode uses a different type face for its episode credits, signifying it as being a pilot for another series. Aside from featuring two characters who did not appear in later episodes of NCIS, the episode also uses a unique point-of-view perspective from the dead body as Dr. Mallard speaks to it. Although Mallard's conversations with the dead continued as a regular part of NCIS, this special effect remained unique to the pilot.