Ibrahim Wajiuddin

Syedna Ibrahim Wajiuddin Bin Abdul Qadir was the 39th Da'i of Dawoodi Bohra. He succeeded the 38th Da'i Ismail Badruddin II to the religious post.
Syedna Ibrahim Wajiuddin was born in 1690.
Ibrahim Wajiuddin became Da'i al-Mutlaq in 1150AH/1738AD. His period of Dawat was from 1150-1168 AH/1738-1756 AD.
His associates were:
Mawazeen: Sheikh Adam bin Syedna Nooruddin, Hebatullah al-Moayyed fid-Deen
Mukasir: Ali bin Phirji
Ibrahim Vajihuddin, the son of Abdul Qadir Hakimuddin procured his initial education from his father. At the young age of twenty-one, Vajihuddin was sent by his father for the 'Khidmat' of the Dai. Vajihuddin served Kalimuddin and Nooruddin in the most adverse of times.
In 1143H, Ujjain was affected by a severe drought. Followers of different religions prayed for rain but in vain. Vajihuddin along with Mumineen proceeded to the banks of river Sipra and prayed to Allah for rain. On conclusion of his prayers, the people of Ujjain were indeed relieved as it soon started raining heavily.
He was succeeded by his son 40th Dai Hebatullah-il-Moayed Fiddeen after he died at the age of 58.
The Hebtiahs Bohra are a branch of Mustaali Ismaili Shi'a Islam that broke off from the mainstream Dawoodi Bohra after the death of the 39th Da'i al-Mutlaq in 1754. See Hebtiahs Bohra.

Mazar-e Najmi