Ibrahim Spahić

Ibrahim Spahić is the president and director of the X Biennial of Young Artist of Europe and the Mediterranean.

Life and career

Spahić finished high school and graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Sarajevo University with a Bachelor of comparative and theatrologist.
President and Director of the X Biennial of Young Artist of Europe and the Mediterranean 2,001st the first president of the Association of Young Artists of Europe and the Mediterranean for the period 2001-2007.
Representative in the SRBiH was from 1974. until 1978. The Commissioner of the Foreign Relations and from 1974. to 1980. President of the Student Association and a member of the Presidency of the Union of students and youth in the republic and federal level. The student of European and world forum on youth from 1968 to 1978. The
He was a member of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly since 1998. the 2000th, and the duty of the first deputy chairman of the Foreign Affairs, particularly engaged in the development of parliamentary diplomacy. He led a parliamentary delegation at international conferences.
He was a delegate in the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly since 2000. to 2002., President of the Constitutional Commission and President of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH delegation in Interparlamentarnoj Union. He has performed on behalf of the IPU Conference in Berlin, Jakarta, Amman, Burkina Faso, then to Paris, London, Bled, Ohrid and other bilateral and multilateral meetings of parliamentarians.
He was President of the Commission for the development of cultural strategies in the BiH Council of Ministers, which was adopted in September 2008. at the Council of Ministers.
President and organizer of the International Festival Sarajevo "Sarajevo Winter" and as a volunteer, chairman of the International Centre for Peace, Association of Publishers and Booksellers of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the house of Europe, Sarajevo. Initiator of the project Sarajevo - the cultural center of Europe 93/94. Coordinator of Sarajevo, the first intercultural City Council of Europe 2003/2004.
Is the author of papers on foreign policy and human rights, culture and art. He participated in many international cultural and scientific conferences and congresses. The organizer of the workshops and international seminars, and lectured at numerous stands. The organizer of the Conference of Mayors, mayors and civil society in cooperation with the Council of Europe.
He was President of the European Organizing Committee of the Council of Europe campaign to raise awareness and promote multi-ethnic society and democratic citizenship for all "Link Diversitv in south-eastern Europe and the Executive Director of the Culture Committee of the Council of Europe. He was a member of the International Forum Ibn Arabi for intercultural and interreligious dialogue, as well as many international organizations.
He was a member of the Executive Committee of the European Festivals Association and the President of the Foundation Kulin Ban.
He is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Cultural Forum of BiH and the EC of the European Cultural Forum and the Executive Committee BJCM. He is an honorary member of PEN Center and the Society of Architects of Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo.