
iPolitics is a Canadian digital newspaper, which covers stories in Canadian politics. The site was launched in 2010 by founding editor and publisher James Baxter, and offers daily coverage of political news, a quarterly print magazine, political analysis podcasts and specialized parliamentary monitoring services. Since October 2018, it has been owned by Torstar.


Over the years, journalists and columnists for the site included: Elizabeth Thompson, BJ Siekierski, Kelsey Johnson, Michael Harris, Kyle Duggan, Don Newman, Lawrence Martin, L. Ian MacDonald, Chris Waddell, Peter Clark, Frank Graves, Paul Adams, Eliza Reid, Kathleen Harris, Laura Stone, James Munson, Janice Dickson, Beatrice Britneff, Catharine Fulton, Timothy Naumetz, Charlie Pinkerton, Holly Lake, Amanda Connolly, Paul Koring, Alan Freeman, Chloe Girvan, Kady O'Malley, Kathryn May, Kirsten Smith, Anna Desmarais, James Gragg-Reilly, and Marieke Walsh. Danelia Bolivar founded The Alpheus Group, now iPoliticsINTEL, which was handed off to Marguerite Marlin in 2018. With Marlin away on maternity leave, the INTEL department is run by Ciaran McCullough, Kevin Smith, and Felixe Denson. Matthew Usherwood was the staff photographer. Senior editors included Ian Shelton, Susan Allan, Stephen Maher, Doug Beazley, Lisa Van Dusen and Peter Robb.


iPoltiics began in early 2009 in the top-floor offices of the Maclaren Street brownstone of Grey Clark Shih and Associates. Baxter, James Anderson and Adam Miron wrote the business plan and designed the initial website, which was created by web designer JB Lesage and graphic designer Jessie Willms. Shortly after, John Butterfield joined the team and the news service launched in March 2010 and has been a 24/7 source of Canadian political news ever since. In October 2018, the site was acquired by Torstar as a complement to its existing news titles, including the Toronto Star newspaper and the similar Ontario political news site QP Briefing run by Alexandria Shannon, who took over as Director of iPolitics in the 2018 asset acquisition. After the sale was completed, Torstar laid off five of the publication's staff, and appointed Marco Vigliotti as the senior editor.