IPFaces mobile framework

iPFaces is a mobile application framework for creating native, form-oriented network applications for mobile devices. iPFaces is a product of Edhouse company. Currently, there is support for iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, Android, BlackBerry and phones equipped with Java ME.


does not need to have knowledge of the targeted mobile platform. The entire application logic is transformed to the central application server level. Server platforms currently supported include ASP.Net, Java, and PHP. Developers with knowledge of these platforms can leverage their experience and be more productive.
iPFaces solution consists of two parts:
iPFaces server packages are distributed in two versions:
iPFaces user clients for BlackBerry and Java ME devices are distributed as freeware.


require "ipfaces-php-lib-1.1.php";
$ipf_form = new IPFForm;
$ipf_screen = $ipf_form->addScreen;


<%@ taglib prefix="ipf" uri="http://www.ipfaces.org/tags" %>


<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="FirstApplication.aspx.cs" Inherits="HelloWorld._Default" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="iPFaces.NET" Namespace="Org.IPFaces.Net.Controls" TagPrefix="ipf" %>

This code represents the visual representation of the application.
File FirstApplication.aspx.cs looks like:

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using Org.IPFaces.Net.Controls;
using Org.IPFaces.Net.Pages;
namespace FirstApplication