IETF Administrative Oversight Committee
The IETF Administrative Oversight Committee is part of the support organization for the Internet Engineering Task Force.
The Committee, whose purpose and organization is given in RFC 4071, oversees the IETF secretariat and related functions. It has a purely administrative role in selection meeting locations, looking after the finances and administrative functions of the IETF. It has no technical role in the setting of Internet standards.
Its members are appointed by the IETF Nominating Committee , the IESG, IAB and ISOC Board of Trustees for 2 years terms. And ex-officio members as the IETF Chair, IAB Chair and ISOC President/CEO.
Its appointed members are also members of the , which holds the IPR of the IETF.Chairs
The IAOC Chairperson is selected by the IAOC members for a 1-year renewable term.