
ID-0 is a 2017 Japanese anime television series produced by Sanzigen. The anime was announced through a teaser video on August 7, 2016. The series is produced by Sanzigen and directed by Goro Taniguchi, and aired from April 9, 2017 to June 25, 2017. The series is set when humanity has developed I-Machines, robots that can operate in extreme environments in space, in which the human pilot's consciousness can be transferred into the robot's operating system. An astrogeology student named Maya Mikuri joins the Excavate Company, a crew who illegally mine for the new mineral Orichalt, which is used for interstellar travel. However, Maya soon learns about a crew member with no identity named Ido, and his connection to a little girl named Alice found inside an Orichalt deposit within the core of the wandering planet known as Rajeev.


In the distant future, the discovery of the new mineral Orichalt has allowed humanity to expand beyond the Solar System. On the constant lookout for Orichalt, humanity has developed I-Machines, giant robots that can operate in extreme environments. I-Machines function by using Orichalt to transfer the human pilot's consciousness into the robot's operating system; in that sense, the human becomes the machine. While Alliance Academy student Maya Mikuri is in the middle of operating an I-Machine, she gets involved in an incident with mining pirates, and ends up serving as a crew member on their mining spaceship. Soon after, she and the rest of the crew begin to discover that the government has been hiding secrets about destructive forces concerning Orichalt. Worse, these same forces are on the verge of destroying human civilization, and the crew might be the only ones who can stop them.


Excavate Company

The Excavate Company is a band of Orichalt miners who often act illegally, being compared to space pirates. Their base of operations is the mining ship Stulti, which is built to accommodate I-Machines and is equipped with four large manipulator arms featuring various tools. The ship is capable of utilizing Orichalt chunks to achieve faster than light warp-based travel through a process known as Miguel Jumping. Aside from Maya Mikuri and Clair Hojo, Stultis entire crew consists of Evertrancers, people whose consciousness permanently resides within an I-Machine, having lost or discarded their flesh-and-blood bodies in the past. Existing as an Evertrancer, willingly or otherwise, is noted to be illegal and highly unethical within galactic society.

United Planets Force

Planet Alliance Academy


Episode list