IBM 6670

The IBM 6670 Information Distributor, a combination laser printer and photocopier, was announced on February 14, 1979 as part of Office System/6. Its feature set included two-sided printing.
The New York Times described it in 1979 as "A key component of the office of tomorrow." Although Wang was first to market an Intelligent copier, the 6670 is "closer to the standard envisioned."
The IBM 6670 Information Distributor and its Collator unit were withdrawn from marketing on November 19, 1986.

Intelligent copier

"A high-speed copying machine that can be linked electronically to computers, word-processing typewriters and other automated office equipment" was the goal set for the IBM 6670.
The 6670 was essentially a half speed IBM Series III Copier to which a laser imaging system and associated electronics was added. It could print up to 36 pages per minute.
The IBM 6670 Model II Information Distributor subsequently introduced, had double the performance, and by late 1982 was considered by Hewlett-Packard as competing against the HP2680A laser printer.


As envisioned, an extension released a year later by a third party enabled "6670.. terminal users send and receive data directly from other 6670s" in what the New York Times described as electronic mail.