I'm Not Scared (novel)

I'm Not Scared is a novel by Niccolò Ammaniti. It is the third novel published by Ammaniti.
In 2003, director Gabriele Salvatores adapted the novel into a film of the same name.


In 1978, in a small Italian village fictitiously named Acqua Traverse, a 9-year-old uncovers that the inhabitants of the village have kidnapped the son of a wealthy family to ask for a ransom.


The book has sold more than 700,000 copies since its publication in 2001, and has been translated in twenty languages.
The Guardian described the experience of reading I'm Not Scared as "closer to that of such Italian neo-realist masterpieces as De Sica's Bicycle Thieves as they appear to us now, imbued with a lyrical but utterly unsentimental nostalgia for lost innocence".
Ammaniti was nominated for the Best Motion Picture Screenplay at the 2005 Edgar Award for the novel being the screenplay of the picture I'm Not Scared. He also won the 2001 Viareggio Prize.