Hwan (name)

Hwan is a rare Korean family name, as well as an element in Korean given names. Its meaning differs based on the hanja used to write it.

Family name

As a family name, Hwan is written with only one hanja, the Sino-Korean name of the Sapindus mukorossi tree. The 2000 South Korean census found 157 people with this family name. People with this family name include:


There are 21 hanja with the reading "hwan" on the South Korean government's official list of hanja which may be registered for use in given names; they are:
  1. : "happiness"
  2. : "anxiety"
  3. : "round"
  4. : "to change"
  5. : "ring"
  6. : "to return"
  7. : "to summon"
  8. : "to shine"
  9. : "to be scattered"
  10. : "blaze"
  11. : "illusion"
  12. : Sapindus mukorossi
  13. : "ring"
  14. : "to rejoice"
  15. : "government officials"
  16. : "white silk"
  17. : a kind of fish
  18. *: "bachelor"
  19. : "to wrap around"
  20. : "to flow violently"

    As name element

One name containing this element, Young-hwan, was the 9th-most popular name for newborn South Korean boys in 1950. Other names containing this element include: