Housing Act 1985

The Housing Act 1985 is a British Act of Parliament. The act introduced laws relating to the succession of Council Houses.
It also facilitated the transfer of council housing to not-for-profit housing associations.
;Overcrowding:Paragraph 236 Replicates the 1935 Housing Act, Part 10, including using space standards as a means by which to control overcrowding. A breach of these standards is a criminal offence.
No. of roomsNo. of people
47 1/2
5 or more2 for each room

Floor area of roomNo. of people
110 sq. ft. 2
90 ‒ 110 sq. ft. 1 1/2
70 ‒ 90 sq. ft. 1
50 ‒ 70 sq. ft. 1/2
A child under 10, is a 1/2 person.