Houseguest (band)

Houseguest was a five-piece American rock band from Akron, Ohio. The band was praised by San Francisco-based literary magazine McSweeney's in 2005 as "the best pop band in America."
Houseguest recorded for Audio Eagle Records, the label founded by Patrick Carney of The Black Keys.
Houseguest disbanded in 2009.


''House Fall Down'' (Top Hat, 2001)

  1. Tonight, I Have Too Many Plans
  2. Waterworks
  3. Up Nights
  4. The Captain's Things
  5. My Little Dinosaur
  6. Permanent Federal Eyeball
  7. Came Up Way Too Quick
  8. Today It's One Year Ago
  9. Dead of the Desert

    ''Talking Time'' (Top Hat, 2004)

  10. Where We Left Off
  11. Traveller's Fancy
  12. Fashionable Living Room
  13. Be a Hero to the Tiniest of Babies
  14. Final Call of the Airboatman
  15. On Walden Software
  16. Greatest Gatsbees
  17. My Handsome Hat
  18. Where My Body's From
  19. Our Talking Times

    ''Electric Politeness'' (National Syrup, 2005)

  20. Muted Mesa
  21. Galapaghost Island
  22. Greatest Gatsbees
  23. Dead of the Desert
  24. The Captain's Things

    ''High Strangeness'' (Audio Eagle/Fat Possum, 2006; Audio Eagle, 2007)

  25. Fashionable Living Room
  26. Gone For The Season
  27. Dive Deep
  28. On Walden Software
  29. It's Not You
  30. Are We Us?
  31. King of Crystal Skies
  32. Galapaghost Island
  33. Muted Mesa
  34. Silvereye
  35. Where We Left Off
  36. Gravy Shift
  37. Heliport Impressions
  38. Where My Body's From

    ''Welcome, All That's Difficult'' (Audio Eagle, 2008)

  39. Iron Oar
  40. Proud Utility Infielder
  41. Over the Falls
  42. Medieval Faire
  43. Self-Eviction
  44. Difficulty Club
  45. Spiritual CPR
  46. Carla!
  47. Blizzard of Jazz
  48. Little Brother Nautilus
  49. Our Mess
  50. Our Mess
  51. Heir of the Dawg
  52. Ex-Gentlemen