Hollywood Steps Out

Hollywood Steps Out is a 1941 short Merrie Melodies cartoon by Warner Bros., directed by Tex Avery. The short was released on May 24, 1941.
The cartoon features caricatures of Cary Grant, Clark Gable, Wallace Beery, Bing Crosby, Greta Garbo, and Groucho Marx.


A bird's-eye view of Los Angeles is shown with searchlights moving to a conga beat. The action takes place in the famed Ciro's nightclub, where the Hollywood stars are having dinner at $50 a plate and "easy terms". The first stars seen are Claudette Colbert, Don Ameche, and, at a table behind them, Adolphe Menjou and Norma Shearer, followed by Cary Grant, seated alone. Grant's first lines reference his films My Favorite Wife, The Awful Truth, and His Girl Friday. Greta Garbo comes along as a cigarette girl, and lights a match for Grant on her notoriously large feet. In the next scene, Edward G. Robinson asks Ann Sheridan, "How's the Oomph girl tonight?" Sheridan, then known as the "Oomph Girl", responds by uttering the word "Oomph" several times.
The camera then tracks past several other tables: Warner Bros. staffers Henry Binder and Leon Schlesinger appear as an in-joke, while the soundtrack quotes "Merrily We Roll Along" – the theme to the Merrie Melodies series. A seat is reserved for Bette Davis, as is a large sofa for the rotund Kate Smith; finally the cast of Blondie has been invited, including a fire hydrant for Daisy the dog. Meanwhile, in the cloakroom, Johnny Weissmuller checks a coat with Paulette Goddard that reveals his Tarzan outfit, with the single addition of a tuxedo collar and black bow tie. Sally Rand, leaves her trademark feather "fans" behind and is presumably naked.
In the next scene, James Cagney prepares Humphrey Bogart and George Raft – all known for their "tough guy" roles – for a risky task. They get ready, turn, and start childishly pitching pennies. Harpo Marx lights matches under Garbo's foot, but in keeping with her subdued acting style, she responds with only a casual "Ouch." Then Clark Gable turns his head around 180 degrees to observe a pretty girl whom he follows offscreen.
Emcee Bing Crosby introduces the evening's entertainment, interrupted frequently by an over-affectionate race horse with an apparently unconscious jockey. Crosby presents Leopold Stokowski, who wears a snood as he prepares for what promises to be a serious orchestral performance— however, the song is "Ahí, viene la conga" and he dances to the beat.
The conga inspires Dorothy Lamour to invite James Stewart to dance with her. Stewart, known for playing "shy guy" roles, stutters, stammers, and finally runs away scared, leaving behind a sign reading "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." Gable dances by, following the girl he saw earlier. Tyrone Power dances with noted ice skater Sonja Henie.Frankenstein's monster dances stiffly and woodenly. The Three Stooges poke and smash each other in rhythm to the beat. Oliver Hardy's dance partner is revealed to be two women, initially hidden by his obese frame. Cesar Romero dances with Rita Hayworth; considered to be two of the era's best big-screen dancers, they dance clumsily and spastically.
Mickey Rooney, sitting with Judy Garland, is presented with an expensive bill. An episode of the Andy Hardy film series breaks out as Rooney asks his "father", Judge Hardy, for a favor. In the next scene they are seen washing the dishes to the conga beat.
Gable, still following the girl, gives an aside to the audience: "Don't go away folks, this oughta be good!" Crosby then introduces the "feature attraction of the evening:" Sally Rand performing the bubble dance to "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles". Crosby points to a stage area off screen, where the camera shifts to an unlit area and Rand standing still and holding a large white bubble in front of her presumably nude body from a longshot. A light comes on and shines on her and the camera zooms in on her, where we see Rand blink twice before motioning herself to dance. During the dance sequence, the camera shifts back and forth between the men's reactions and Strand dancing. All shots on Rand show her pacing back and forth on the stage carrying and dancing with her bubble. Kay Kyser, in his "Ol' Perfessor" character, shouts out, "Students!" to which a group of men wolf-whistle in unison and exclaim "Baby!": They are William Powell, Spencer Tracy, Ronald Colman, Errol Flynn, Wallace Beery and C. Aubrey Smith. Peter Lorre cryptically states, "I haven't seen such a beautiful bubble since I was a child," possibly in reference to his breakthrough film role as a child murderer in M. Henry Fonda is enjoying the act until he is pulled away by Alice Aldrich of The Aldrich Family saying "Hen-reeeeee!" J. Edgar Hoover then says "Gee!" several times as a pun on his position as a G-man. Boris Karloff, Arthur Treacher, Buster Keaton, and Mischa Auer watch the action in their typical deadpan manner until Ned Sparks, another famous movie "grouch," asks them if they are having a good time; they respond in unison with a terse "Yes." Jerry Colonna is very excited, and utters his catchphrases "Guess who?", to which the camera reveals an invisible character next to him: "Yehudi!".
"Strand" tosses her bubble up in the air and catches it on the way back down, titillating the audience. Now that Strand is standing still on the stage, this allows Harpo Marx, who was hiding underneath a table, the perfect opportunity and an easier time to shoot her bubble with his slingshot. The bubble explodes when the missile hits it, and Sally reacts with shock as it reveals a barrel underneath. Gable, meanwhile, has finally caught the girl he was chasing, insisting she kiss him. "She" turns out to be Groucho Marx in drag, and says, "Well, fancy meeting you here!"


The Film Daily called the short a "caricature novelty", saying, "Latest Leon Schlesinger foray into the realm of caricature will interest and amuse."


Hollywood Steps Out is available on '. It is also available on ' Disc 2. Both feature the Blue Ribbon reissue title card.