Hitman (manga)

Hitman is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kōji Seo. It was announced in the 18th issue of Kodansha's Weekly Shōnen Magazine in April 2018 and started serialization in the 29th issue on June 20, 2018. The series takes place in the same universe as several of the authors other series, including Suzuka, Kimi no Iru Machi, and Fuuka. It follows Kenzaki Ryuunosuke as he becomes a manga editor and aims to make author Takanashi Tsubasa the number one author in Japan.


College Senior Kenzaki Ryuunosuke is interviewing at Kodansha when he finds and reads a rough draft of a proposed manga. Takanashi Tsubasa finds him and scolds him for reading a manga at a job interview and he tells her it is seriously interesting! Kenzaki is hired and later receives a call from an aspiring manga artist who wants to submit a name. The author is Takanashi and reveals that the manga was hers. She says she did not interview because he told her the manga was interesting and now he has to take responsibility for it. He says that he will and will make her the number one manga artist in Japan. As Kenzaki becomes the editor for a number of authors and improves as an editor, he and Takanashi continue to work through various obstacles toward their goal together.



;Ryuunosuke Kenzaki
;Tsubasa Takanashi
;Shiori Amaya
;Nonoka Shimakaze


;Akira Natsume
;Hiroto Asama
;Shinji Houjo
;Kazutake Yagami
;Rentarou Yamashirou
;Mio Kawaguchi


;Masato Katsuragi
;Aiko Wakatsuki
;Taishi Nakata
;Otoguro Kazuhiko
;Kenji Natori
;Miyuki Watanuki
;Naoki Fushimi