History of the United States Forest Service

Starting in 1876, and undergoing a series of name changes, the U.S. Forest Service grew to protect and utilize millions of acres of forest on public land. Gifford Pinchot, an early advocate of scientific forestry, along with President Theodore Roosevelt and conservation organizations, led the effort to manage forest for the public good.


In 1876, Congress created the office of Special Agent in the Department of Agriculture to assess the state of the forests in the United States. Franklin B. Hough was appointed the head of the office. In 1881, the office was expanded into the newly formed Division of Forestry. The Forest Reserve Act of 1891 authorized withdrawing land from the public domain as "forest reserves," managed by the Department of the Interior. In 1901, the Division of Forestry was renamed the Bureau of Forestry. The Transfer Act of 1905 transferred the management of forest reserves from the General Land Office of the Interior Department to the Bureau of Forestry, henceforth known as the US Forest Service. Gifford Pinchot was the first Chief Forester of the US Forest Service. In 1911, Congress passed the Weeks Act, authorizing the government to purchase private lands for stream-flow protection, and to maintain the lands as national forests. This made it possible for the national forest system to expand into the eastern United States.
Significant federal legislation affecting the Forest Service includes the Weeks Act of 1911, the Multiple Use - Sustained Yield Act of 1960, P.L. 86-517; the Wilderness Act, P.L. 88-577; the National Forest Management Act, P.L. 94-588; the National Environmental Policy Act, P.L. 91-190; the Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act, P.L. 95-313; and the Forest and Rangelands Renewable Resources Planning Act, P.L. 95-307.


Forest Service Chief ForestersYears of ServiceName of AgencyEducation
a.Franklin B. Hough1876–1883Division of ForestryUnion College, Western Reserve College
b.Nathaniel H. Egleston1883–1886Division of ForestryYale University, Yale Divinity School
c.Bernhard Eduard Fernow1886–1898Division of ForestryUniversity of Königsberg; Prussian Forest Academy at Münden
1Gifford Pinchot1898–1901Division of ForestryYale University
1Gifford Pinchot1901–1905Bureau of ForestryYale University
1Gifford Pinchot1905–1910U.S. Forest ServiceYale University
2Henry "Harry" Solon Graves1910–1920U.S. Forest ServiceYale University
3William B. Greeley1920 -1928U.S. Forest ServiceUniversity of California & Yale Forestry School
4Robert Y. Stuart1928–1933U.S. Forest ServiceDickinson College & Yale Forestry School
5Ferdinand A. Silcox1933–1939U.S. Forest ServiceCollege of Charleston & Yale Forestry School
6Earle H. Clapp1939–1943 U.S. Forest ServiceUniversity of Michigan
7Lyle F. Watts1943–1952U.S. Forest ServiceIowa State College & Forestry School
8Richard E. McArdle1952–1962U.S. Forest ServiceUniversity of Michigan
9Edward P. Cliff1962–1972U.S. Forest ServiceUtah State College
10John R. McGuire1972–1979U.S. Forest ServiceUniversity of Minnesota & Yale Forestry School
11R. Max Peterson1979–1987U.S. Forest ServiceUniversity of Missouri
12F. Dale Robertson1987–1993U.S. Forest ServiceUniversity of Arkansas
13Jack Ward Thomas1993–1996U.S. Forest ServiceTexas A&M University, West Virginia University, University of Massachusetts
14Michael Dombeck1996–2001U.S. Forest ServiceUniversity of Wisconsin–Stevens Point and the University of Minnesota
15Dale N. Bosworth2001–2007U.S. Forest ServiceUniversity of Idaho
16Gail Kimbell2007–2009U.S. Forest ServiceUniversity of Vermont, Oregon State University
17Thomas Tidwell2009–2017U.S. Forest ServiceWashington State University
18Tony Tooke2017–2018U.S. Forest ServiceMississippi State University
19Vicki Christiansen2018–presentU.S. Forest ServiceUniversity of Washington
