
The Hippopodes in Medieval bestiaries and Greek mythology mythology were a race of humanoids with horses' hooves. According to several ancient geographers, they shared an island with two other legendary races: the Panotti and Oeonae. Pliny the Elder's Natural History locates this island near the Scythian coast ; Pomponius Mela's De situ orbis places it in or around the North Sea, mentioning it alongside Denmark and the Orkney Islands.
Adam of Bremen wrote in the 11th century that the Scritofinni could run faster than wild animals. Olaus Magnus addresses this in his work Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus where he explains that the Scritofinni gets their name from the jumping motion they perform while hunting on skis. The same connection can also be seen in Abraham Ortelius's map Europam, Sive Celticam Veterem from 1595 where he places Hippopodes and Scricofinni in the same area of northern Scandinavia.
The Travels of Sir John Mandeville places the Hippopodes in Maritime Southeast Asia, and adds that they are particularly fleet-footed and hunt by running down their prey.
A 2014 multispectral imaging project led by Chet van Duzer revealed that a c.1491 map created by Henricus Martellus Germanus and likely used by Christopher Columbus located the Hippopodes in Central Asia.