
Heptadecaphobia or heptadekaphobia is the fear of the number 17. It is considered to be ill-fated in Italy and other countries of Greek and Latin origins, while the date Friday the 17th is considered especially unfortunate in Italy. The number is feared due to superstition, and is similar in nature to the fear of the number 13 in Anglo-Saxon countries.


In Ancient Greece, the number 17 was despised by followers of Pythagoras, as the number was between 16 and 18, which were perfect representations of 4x4 and 3x6 quadrilaterals, respectively.
In the Old Testament, it is written that the universal flood began on the 17th of the second month.
In Ancient Rome, the term "VIXI" was commonly inscribed on tombs of the deceased. This is an anagram of "XVII", the number 17 in the Roman numbering system.
In La smorfia napoletana, a "dictionary" that associated certain vocabulary words to numbers to be played in the lottery, the number 17 is associated to "misfortune".

Friday the 17th

Indigenous to Italy, Friday the 17th is a date of misfortune, as it is a date of two negatives: Friday and the number 17.
Friday the 17th is similar to other unfortunate dates: for example, in Anglo-Saxon countries, this date is Friday the 13th, while in Spain, Greece, and South America, this date is Tuesday the 13th.
In mass media, the theme is portrayed in movies, such as The Virtuous Bigamist and Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the 13th''