Henry de Kock

Paul Henry de Kock, better known as Henry de Kock, was a 19th-century French playwright, novelist, and chansonnier, famous for his salacious novels.


The son of Paul de Kock, he wrote feuilletons which gained a significant success such as La Voleuse d’amour, L’Auberge des treize pendus, Folies de jeunesse, Ni fille, ni femme, ni veuve, La Fille de son père, Mademoiselle ma femme or Les Douze travaux d’Ursule.
His Histoire des célèbres courtisanes, his most famous work, translated into four languages, had nine editions from 1869 to 2008.
His plays were presented on the most significant Parisian stages of the 19th-century, including the Théâtre de l'Ambigu-Comique, the Théâtre du Vaudeville, and the.

