Henry Bate of Mechelen
Henry Bate or Hendrik Baten a.k.a. Henricus Batenus was a Flemish philosopher, theologian, astronomer, astrologer, poet, and musician.
He was Master of Arts of the University of Paris before 1274. He was a pupil of Thomas Aquinas, he became a canon and cantor of the Cathedral of Saint-Lambert, Liège before 1289.
As astronomer, he made astrolabes, and wrote Magistralis compositio astrolabii, dedicated to his friend William of Moerbeke. He drew up astronomical tables: the Tabule Mechlinenses, from around 1285–1295, and a 1290 work, De erroribus tabularum Alphonsi, which pointed out errors in the Alfonsine tables. While in Rome in 1292, he wrote commentaries on the astrological works of Abraham ibn Ezra and Albumasar.
He became tutor to Guy de Hainaut, brother of Count Jean d'Avesnes, for whom he wrote, between 1285 and 1305, a Speculum divinorum et quorundam naturalium.
Around 1309, he retired with the Premonstratensians of Tongerloo, where he ended his days.