Henri Bouillard

Henri Bouillard was a French Jesuit theologian.


He was born in Charlieu, in the Loire.
In 1941, he received his doctorate from the Pontifical Gregorian University under Charles Boyer, SJ. That same year, he joined the theology faculty at Fourvière, near Lyon, alongside Henri de Lubac. His doctorate was published in 1944 as Conversion et grâce chez saint Thomas d'Aquin. The book so emphasized the human role in conversion that it seemed to many neo-Thomists to call into question God's assistance in the process. In its placing of Thomas Aquinas' thought squarely within the history of the development of doctrine, it also seemed to the same neo-Thomists to relativise the theology of Thomas Aquinas, as well as human truth claims in general. When de Lubac's Surnaturel was published in 1946, Bouillard's book became part of a more general debate on the position of the Fourvière theologians.
In 1950, Bouillard was removed from his teaching post at Fourvière because of his connections to the strands of thought known as nouvelle théologie. In the seven years that followed, he embarked on a large study of Karl Barth. This was written as his second dissertation, at the Sorbonne, and was defended in the presence of Barth himself.
He was Professor of Fundamental Theology at the Institut Catholique in Paris, and, together with Jean Daniélou, founded the Institut de science et théologie des religions in 1967.
He died in Paris in 1981.

Selected works

For a full bibliography, see:
English translations