Hemiphyllodactylus typus

Hemiphyllodactylus typus, also known as the Indopacific tree gecko, Indopacific slender gecko, or common dwarf gecko is a species of gecko found in South Asia and islands in the Indian Ocean.


India, Nicobar Islands, Sri Lanka,
Indochina, Vietnam, Chapa/Tongking, Thailand, W Malaysia, Singapore,
Oceania, Burma, Philippines, Indonesia,
China, Taiwan, New Guinea, New Caledonia, Loyalty Islands, Tonga, Marquesas Islands, Society Islands, Pitcairn Islands, Solomon Islands, Fiji Islands,
Mauritius, Reunion, Rodrigues
Introduced to Ryukyu Islands,
Introduced to Iriomotejima Island,
Introduced into the USA
Type locality: "Agam" and "Goenong Parong "