Since the early 1980s, he engages issues of religion, social inequality, and violence from a social science perspective, initiated during his university years studying and obtaining his doctorate, and subsequently continued in his function as teacher and researcher. He gained an insight into the state of civil war and criminal violence in the slums, primarily in Latin America. Since 2006, he conducts research also in Bosnia-Herzegovina. He also has been studying religious fundamentalism since the late 1970s. In a new research project on the religious field and political strategies of religious actors in Guatemala and Nicaragua, the religious transformations in periphery countries during the last 30 years will be studied comparatively. Much of Schäfer’s research on religious actors concentrates on the Pentecostal movement. In theoretical and methodological perspective Schäfer focuses on the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu. He has developed a method for Habitus-Analysis which will be published 2012 in English. In Theology Schäfer concentrates on interdisciplinary hermeneutics and pneumatology.
Selected Research
Social differentiation and identity-politics of the Pentecostal movement in Guatemala and Nicaragua
Research network religion and Conflict
The ethos of religious peace builders in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Cooperation in the Research network religion and Conflict
For more research, see the homepage of the
Selected publications
2015. HabitusAnalysis 1. Epistemology and Language. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
2015. Identität als Netzwerk. Habitus, Sozialstruktur und religiöse Mobilisierung . Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
2013. Pombagira y el obispo: sobre identidades religiosas transnacionales: La Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus en Brasil y Mozambique . Form for inter-American research 6.
2012. Art.: Protestantismus. In Das Lateinamerika-Lexikon, ed. Silke Hensel and Barbara Potthast, 274-277. Wuppertal: Peter Hammer Verlag.
2010. Explaining Central American Pentecostalism within social inequality and conflict. On habitus-analysis as a clue to describe religious praxis. In Pentecostal Power: Expressions, Impact and Faith of Latin American Pentecostalism, ed. Calvin L. Smith, 137-156. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
2009. Latin America – dynamics of the religious field. In What the World Believes: Analysis and Commentary on the Religion Monitor 2008, ed. Bertelsmann Foundation, 463–485. Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
2009. The Pentecostal movement – social change and religious habitus. In What the World Believes: Analysis and Commentary on the Religion Monitor 2008, ed. Bertelsmann Foundation, 533–585. Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
2008. Fundamentalismos, modernidades y tensiones políticas globales. Sobre la religión políticamente movilizada . Estudos de Religião 35, 87–107. São Paulo: U-Metodista.
2008. Kampf der Fundamentalismen: Radikales Christentum, radikaler Islam und Europas Moderne. Frankfurt a. M.: Verlag der Weltreligionen.
2007. “We gonna bin laden them!” Überlegungen zu einer methodologisch-kommunitaristischen Friedensethik” . Zeitschrift für evangelische Ethik 51: 169–181.
2005. Identität als Netzwerk: Ein Theorieentwurf am Beispiel religiöser Bewegungen im Bürgerkrieg Guatemalas . Berliner Journal für Soziologie 15: 259–282.
2004. Praxis - Theologie - Religion: Grundlinien einer Theologie und Religionstheorie im Anschluss an Pierre Bourdieu. Frankfurt: Lembeck, 445 p..
2004. The Janus face of religion: On the religious factor in new wars. Numen 51: 407–431.
2004. „Und weil der Mensch ein Mensch ist...“: Interkulturelle Ethik, religiöse Identität und Konflikt. . Sicherheit und Frieden 22: 139–146.
1992. Protestantismo y crisis social en América Central. . San José: Departamento Ecuménico de Investigaciones.