Heartthrob (film)

Heartthrob is a 2017 American thriller film written and directed by Chris Sivertson.


Shortly after high school graduation, Henry, the shy valedictorian, encounters Samantha, who suffers from a reputation as a bimbo at school. They argue at first about their preconceptions of each other but later Henry apologizes and offers Samantha a ride home when her shift at work ends. He is overjoyed to find romance with her but is incensed by the knowledge of her past relations with others and kills one of her former lovers. Henry is accepted to MIT, the university of choice of his domineering mother, but he drops out in order to stay in town with Samantha, who has been warned about his obsessive behavior and who breaks up with him to allow him to attend the better university. Henry is convinced that she is being pressured into leaving him and targets those he believes are responsible. He kills her close friend Dustin then calls Samantha and tells her that he has worked things out with MIT and invites her to his house to celebrate. While eating a homemade dinner there, she hears a thumping from an upstairs bedroom and discovers Henry's mother tied to a chair. Henry pulls out a knife and offers to either release his mother or kill her to solve their relationship problems, admitting that he was responsible for Dustin's death. Samantha convinces him to release his mother, who escapes out his bedroom window and runs from the house screaming for help. Henry begs Samantha to run away with him but when she refuses he stabs himself in the chest. Days after his death she receives his journal in the mail and is flattered by what he has written about her. In the end she romanticizes their relationship despite its troubles.


Filming took place in Tacoma, Washington.


The film had a limited release in the United States on June 27, 2017.