Heart of Love

Heart of Love is the title of a song written by Roxanne Seeman and Billie Hughes. This song also goes by the title "Climbing To The Heart of Love". Heart of Love appears in the montage scene in the film "The Heavenly Kid" with Bobby and Emily. It was recorded by Joni Paladin, under the pseudonym Jamie Bond, for the soundtrack album with George Duke producing..
Six years later, in 1991, as reported by Shelly Weiss in Cashbox, "Heart Of Love" MJQ Majic 102.5, Buffalo, Program Director Hank Nevins caught the movie on HBO and put the song on the air. The sensational reaction of listeners from Buffalo, Rochester, and Toronto moved "Heart Of Love" into power rotation. MJQ received overwhelming requests from record stores in Canada and the US wishing to buy the disc.

Television performances