In a report published on 10 December 2014, Ofsted described Haydon Bridge High School as "inadequate", and placed the school into special measures. Reports that followed remained inadequate in reports that were published in 2015 to 2017. In this time, in an attempt to get out of special measures, the school was to be acquired by the Bright Tribe Trust, a multi academy trust, in October 2015. Following this, a new Interim Executive Board was brought onto the school, alongside new headteacher Darren Glover. Despite monitoring reports from Ofsted following the acquisition citing improvements were being made, in November 2017, Bright Tribe pulled out of their sponsorship of the school, as revealed in a blog post via Bright Tribe's official website. Bright Tribe cited the school's continued financial deficit, and declining pupil numbers as reasons for the pull out, citing how it would impose financial risks towards the trust and other schools under Bright Tribe's ownership. The school remains under local authority control, with new governors that were appointed by the DfE from April 2018
Though the school has a capacity for 900 pupils- in 2020 it had 355. The school is being upgraded by Northumberland County Council, Gradon Architecture, Faithful and Gould and Robertson.
The Curriculum
The five-year curriculum model requires pupils to engage with a wide range of subjects in Year 7 and 8 and then provides a more bespoke approach through an options programme in Years 9 to 11.
Year 7 and 8
In Year 7 and 8, the schemes of work cover the requirements of the national curriculum and build on prior learning. the Year 7 and 8 curriculum is much more than a means of preparing pupils for Years 9 to 11.,they offer challenge, enjoyment and success. Alongside Mathematics, English, Science, Religious Studies, PSHE and Physical Education, Year 7 and 8 students study a broad range of non-core subjects. Art, Business and Enterprise, Computing, Drama, French, Geography, History, Music and Technology.
Year 9-11
The option process, delivers the statutory national requirements and allows pupils choice and flexibility. They follow examination courses that maximise the opportunity for personal success by providing pathways to post 16 education or employment. All students follow a compulsory core of examination courses in English Language, English Literature, Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. In addition they do non-examined courses in Religious Education, Physical Education and Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education. Together these courses occupy 60% of the curriculum. Then in year 9 they study French and history/geography for 20% of their time. The remaining 20% they choose one option subject. They will study four options in total: one in year 9, one in year 10 and two in year 11. The Optional Subjects are: Art and Design, Business Studies, Computer Science, Child Development, Engineering, Food Preparation and Nutrition, Geography, Health and Social Care, History, ICT, Music, Performing Arts, Physical Education and Religious Studies. An additional lunchtime and after-school enrichment programme includes a range of sporting activities, art, music and drama.
Year 12-13
In the small school 6th Form pupils are offered both academic A Levels and Vocational qualifications at Level 3. The Advanced Level subjects offered,, are: Art and Design, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Drama and Theatre Studies, English Literature, French, Geography, History, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Physics, Religious Studies, Sociology. The Applied and Tech Level courses are: Business, Children’s Play, Learning and Development, Health and Social Care, Information Technology, Applied General Science.