Hasanpur Baru

Hasanpur Baru is a Village and a Gram Panchayat in Hathras district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. A part of the Braj region, it is located in Sadabad Tehsil, in Aligarh Division.


"Hasanpur Baru" is a Nagar Panchayat. It has two sub-villages, Narayanpur Bad and Baljit Garhi.


Hasanpur Baru has some schools and a college. Shri Maharana Pratap JHS is the oldest school in the village. Also Primary School And Upper Primary School are located in Hasanpur Baru. For High Education, Shri Gandhi Inter College is located in the neighbouring village Mangru.


According to 2011 census of India, Hasanpur Baru has a population of 2,073. This includes 1079 males and 994 females.


Hasanpur Baru is located at.It is located in Hathres District of state Uttar Pradesh in Republic of India.
Name of CitiesDistance from Hasanpur Baru VillageDirection from Hasanpur Baru Village
Sadabad11 kmTowards South
Mathura46 kmTowards West
Hathras12 kmTowards North
Agra50 kmTowards South