Harrisburg Bureau of Fire

Harrisburg Bureau of Fire is a fire department that is located in and serves Harrisburg, Pennsylvania the capitol of Pennsylvania and its surrounding metropolitan area.
The Harrisburg Bureau of Fire is a career firefighting agency with 85 paid firefighters and paramedics. Established in 1790 it is one of the oldest fire agencies in Pennsylvania. In 2018 the city approved a budget of 10.1 million dollars along with a future of fire report stating the need for updated equipment and apparatus in the next 10 years. In January 2019 the city announced its plan to purchase 12 new pieces of apparatus from 2020 thru 2035.


Specialty units

The department has over 30 apparatus, trucks, vans and ambulances. The HBF fleet contains Sutphen and Spartan firefighting apparatus and Freightliner ambulances. The truck and SUV brands used by the department include Ford and Chevrolet.

Fallen firefighters