Haplogroup C-M48

Haplogroup C-M48 also known as C2b1a2 is a Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup.
It is found frequently amongst members of Central Asian and Siberian peoples, such as the Evenks, Evens, Ulchi, Kazakhs, Koryaks, Mongols, and Yukaghirs.
Haplogroup C-M48 also has been found occasionally in some ethnic groups outside its typical range in Siberia and Central Asia, such as Japanese, Tibetans, Bhutanese, Ossetians, Adyghe, and Russians, some of whom exhibit divergent Y-STR haplotypes.



Karmin et al. 2015 have found a divergent branch of C-M48, which they have named C3c2-B90 and which ISOGG has named C2b1a2b-B90, in three Koryaks and one Evenk. Although the M48 and M77 SNPs have long been considered to be phylogenetically equivalent, marking the same clade of the human Y-DNA phylogeny, the C3c2-B90 clade has been found to be positive for the M48 mutation, but negative for the M77 mutation.


C-B91 is a subclade of C-B90 that has been found in Koryaks. It subsumes the C-B92 and C-B94 subclades. Karmin et al. 2015 have found Y-DNA belonging to C-B92 in two Koryaks who they have estimated to share a most recent common ancestor 594 years before present. The two Koryaks in C-B92 have been estimated to share a most recent common ancestor with a Koryak who belongs to the C-B94 subclade 3,812 years before present.


C-B93 is a subclade of C-B90 that has been found in 7.7% of a sample of Ulchi and in one Evenk. It has been estimated to share a most recent common ancestor with C-B91 of the Koryaks 4,992 years before present.


Karmin et al. 2015 have estimated the coalescence age of C-M77, which they have named C3c1a-M77 and which ISOGG has named C2b1a2a-M86/M77, to be 2,804 years before present based on their three examples of C-B469 and five examples of C-B80 Y-DNA.


C-B469 is a subclade of C-M77. Y-DNA that belongs to the C-B469 clade, which has been named C2b1a2a1a-B469 by ISOGG, has been found in a Zakhchin Mongolian, an Evenk, and a Buryat. The Evenk individual and the Buryat individual both belong to the C-B87 subclade and have been estimated to share a most recent common ancestor 1,792 years before present. Those two individuals have been estimated to share a most recent common ancestor with the Zakhchin individual, who belongs to the C-B470 subclade, 2,562 years before present.
C-B469 also has been found in HGDP01250, a Y-DNA sample obtained from a Xibo in China as part of the Human Genome Diversity Project, and in an Even from Nelkan, Khabarovsk Krai.
Balanovska et al. found C-F13686, a subclade of C-B469 that may be phylogenetically equivalent to C-B87, in 7.7% of a sample of Ulch people.
Balinova et al. observed Y-DNA that belongs to C-B469 in 10.1% of a sample of Derbet Kalmyks from Russia, 2.5% of a sample of Derbet Mongols from western Mongolia, and 1.7% of a sample of Torgut Kalmyks from Russia.
C-B470 is a subclade of C-B469. This subclade has been observed in a Zakhchin and in an Ulch.
C-B87 is a subclade of C-B469. The time to most recent common ancestor between C-B87 and C-B470 has been estimated to be 2,562 years before present.
C-B87 Y-DNA, which belongs to C-B87 but does not belong to its C-B89 subclade, has been found in a Buryat and in a Xibo.
C-B89 is a subclade of C-B87 that is known from the Y-DNA of an Even from Nelkan, Khabarovsk Krai and the Y-DNA of an Evenk.


Y-DNA that belongs to this clade, which has been named C2b1a2a1b-B80 by ISOGG, has been found in five Evens. These five Even members of C-B80 have been estimated to share a most recent common ancestor 1,674 years before present.
