Hans Sikorski
Internationale Musikverlage Hans Sikorski is an international sheet music publishing company with headquarters in Hamburg, Germany. As of June 2019, Sikorski is a part of Concord Music publishing house.
The music publishing firm of Hans Sikorski was founded in 1935 and now comprises more than 30 publishers in several European countries and in the USA. Sikorski's repertoire consists of entertainment music as well as contemporary serious music, and the firm has always been committed to new music from many countries. Publications include chamber music, orchestral music and stage works to musicals and film music.Literature
Fetthauer, Sophie. Musikverlage im "Dritten Reich" und im Exil. Hamburg 2004; 3.4. "Arisierung" durch die Cautio Treuhand und Hans C. Sikorski