Halloween (1931 film)

Halloween is a short animated film distributed by RKO Radio Pictures, and starring Toby the Pup. The film is the antepenultimate cartoon in the series.


At a Halloween costume party, a jolly Toby dances around. He kisses several girls but each reacts with dismay and runs away. One girl confronts Toby. Toby kisses her a few times and she slaps him. She then complains to him about trying to spoil her party, and threatens to tell his mother about it. To placate her, Toby offers to play the piano. He plays while the other guests listen, including a goat who eats various household objects, including the piano keys. A church bell chimes and Toby warns everyone that this is the.
Meanwhile, a witch and various supernatural creatures are flying above. They fall through the chimney and frighten the party guests. Toby fights with several ghosts. When a number of ghosts surround him, he emulates a rooster's crow which frightens the ghosts and they flee. Toby and the girl notice an egg on the floor which hatches into a small ghost who calls Toby "daddy".