Halina Krzyżanowska

Halina Krzyżanowska was an internationally renowned Polish-French pianist and composer.


She was born in Paris, in a large musical family, which originally came from Poland and was a part of the impoverished Polish nobility. Halina held by birth the title of a countess. She was also a distant relative of Chopin, whom she never personally knew, as he died at such an early age.
She studied at the Conservatoire de Paris with Antoine François Marmontel and Ernest Guiraud, and in 1880 she won the first prize at this prominent Conservatory.
She gave many concerts in various European countries and settled later in France as a professor at the conservatory in Rennes.
She was known as a very talented pianist and has made a name for herself also as a composer.


Krzyżanowska composed orchestral and chamber music, piano sonatas and character pieces for piano. Selected works include: