Half a Crown (novel)

Half a Crown is a science fiction novel written by Jo Walton published by Tor Books. It was first published on September 30, 2008. The first "Small Change" novel, Farthing, was released in August 2006. The second novel in the trilogy, Ha'penny, was released in October 2007.

Plot summary

The book is a thriller set inside an alternate history in which the United Kingdom made peace with Adolf Hitler, and the United States did not become involved in World War II. The British government has become fascist and authoritarian. Peter Carmichael, formerly a police inspector at Scotland Yard, is now head of the secret police, called "The Watch". He must deal with political intrigue by those jealous of his position and must safeguard his teenage ward while he keeps secret his illicit activities helping Jews and dissidents who wish to flee the country.


Publishers Weekly was mixed in its review by commenting, "Walton's understated prose and deft characterizations elevate this above similar works such as Fatherland and SS-GB. Some readers, though, may feel let down by an optimistic ending that jars with the series' overall downbeat tone".

Awards and nominations

Half a Crown was a finalist for the 2009 Prometheus Award.

Publication history