Halcyon is a science fiction television series originally scheduled for October 2016 on the Syfy network. The show is billed as a "virtual reality series", signifying that the series will consist of both traditional televised content and 3D/VR media which can be experienced on devices such as the Oculus Rift and Gear VR. The series will be produced by production companySecret Location, and directed by Benjamin Arfmann. The show is scheduled for an initial 15 episodes, including 10 "short form" traditional digital broadcasts, and an additional 5 episodes which are interactive virtual reality. The show stars Lisa Marcos as Jules Dover, a detective using a VI implant to solve murders.
Series details
The series takes place at a Virtual Reality company in 2058, called Halcyon, but will be a crime/murder mystery drama, with character Jules Dover as the detective of a "VR Crimes Unit". While there have been virtual reality "shows" that were simply shot in 360° and/or 3D, Halcyon is billed as actually including interaction between the user and "clues" for each murder mystery.
Cast & Characters
Jules Dover is a highly capable homicide detective fully committed to her work—solving crimes that take place in the virtual world. She’s got some very real skeletons in her closet and is haunted by a painful past. Regardless, Jules is the kind of brass you assign to impossible cases because she has a knack for figuring out even the most twisted mysteries and solving the unsolvable. Where others fail, Jules Dover will succeed.
Asha is a Virtual Intelligence, a fully functioning digital person with her own thoughts, feelings, and motivations. As Jules' assistant on cases, Asha is visible to anyone able to access VR through Halcyon's implant technology. Asha is a smart and valuable ally to Jules, yet she is hyper-aware of the limitations associated with being virtual, namely, that she is physically untouchable.
Blake Creighton knows how to take an idea and sensationalize, package and sell it to the public. He is the main driving force behind nanotechnology in VR being adopted on a global scale. Blake is a hero of the tech-world and force to be reckoned with, making it worldwide news when he's found dead in his apartment, with no apparent cause of death.
Gavin Spencer is the co-founder and former CEO of Halcyon. A brilliant technological philosopher, he is responsible for the advent of nanotechnology in VR, and his work has influenced the way people live their day-to-day lives. Once a vocal advocate for virtual life, Gavin has since disappeared, and not even his former confidants know where or how to find him.
Alan is Blake Creighton’s Virtual Intelligence assistant. He's highly intelligent, servile, and accommodating; in fact, he’s a model virtual citizen and many wish other VIs would follow his lead. Having been so close to Halcyon's co-founder and CEO since the company’s infancy, Alan understands the inner workings of the multinational corporation like no one else.
Miranda Reyes is the Halcyon executive who replaces Blake Creighton as CEO following his unexpected death. Miranda is a driven and high-performing career woman whose focus is always on the bottom line. She believes passionately in the power of Halcyon technology in the new virtual world. Miranda also believes that to preserve the greater order of things, VIs must understand their place.
Dylan Higgins is a Halcyon technician with some questionable ties to the anti-VR Humanist movement. An expert in Halcyon nanotech software, Dylan has helped to develop some of the company's most popular products. He recognises the profound benefits of VR, but is also all too familiar with the consequences when the line between VR and the real world becomes blurred.